Sunday 12 January 2014


While waiting for her invitation
To The Mothering Squad
She dreams a little, and lives a little more.

She’s growing a heart so open
Love shines on through a granite mist

Digging out the darkness,
The despair that makes her sick.

She’s kneading early passions
To a strong and potent state

And devouring life’s temptations
Before she procreates.

She’s reading like a wildfire
With flames of curiosity

And running like a panther
Raw and wild and free.

She’s listening to her body
Her energy, her beat

So she can understand
Make strong, respect, replete.

And if the invitation never comes
Remains unwritten, gets waylaid
She’ll mourn a little, then live a little more.

My whole

There’s a home out there,
Where I belong,
All of me.

I’ll know when I’m there,
A pulsing love joins every cell.
Me, one with everything.

And in that place I breathe,
One energy, many souls, 
Together, softly spirited.

My heart takes root,
Secure as it feeds
A universal earthbeat.

Each dawn rise, 
Energised a new
Understood, healed, held.

There’s a home out there
All of me.

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Disarm me, 2014

A wild ocean of loving kindness
Smiling eyes, seductive words
Laughter that roots in the belly

A free mind, chasing the heart
Curious, spirited, with intention
Connected to a playful purpose

A breath of energising still
Soulful strength, open heart
Beautifully disarming moments

A happy year of shared delight 
Family, friends, clients, strangers
Synergy, love, understanding.

It's bloody great to be here.

Friday 27 December 2013

A daily 24 word advent

1 December

Nauseous nostalgia,
Brought to life on screen.
Inspiring us to squander,
Prompting me to scream.

A bear, a hare, doleful eyes,
Distasteful snowy scene.

2 December

Mindless headspace,
Familiar comfort,
The white noise of radio.
Offering everything,
And nothing.
So nice.

"I wish it could be Christmas, every day..."

3 December

Single drifts into barren solitude.
Loneliness storms into black ice.
So quickly there falls a blizzard of isolation.
Christmas is dreach when you're single.

4 December

Everywhere I look.

Overflowing menus,
Detailed plates.

Bellies bursting,
Shirts full.

Chubby wrappers,
Empty fingers.

Trolleys winning,
Indulgence toppling.

Everywhere I look,

5 December

To give a present that one detests,
But knows their dearest will love,
The Art of Giving.

Find me someone who has nailed it.

6 December

Squishy expandable snowflake
Gold, shot red
Kaleidoscope complexity.

Drooping from rafters
In every town hall
Garland-like, but not.

The decoration with no name.

7 December

Steaming mince pies
Holly with berries
Mulled cider and turkeys
It's farm shop frenzy.

Could I simply have
Some eggs, milk, and a bap?

8 December

No room in the papers for tat

No spreads on festive bounty
Instead they tell the spellbinding story
Of how Mandela inspired us all.

9 December

What an effort
Being grumpy old scrooge
I'm feeling too darned happy
For this Christmas abuse.

Simple new strategy
Let the damn thing in.

10 December 

Some fairy lights sit in the kitchen
White globes, bought from Ikea
My feeble attempt at a decoration
If I actually put them up.

11 December 

I don't think so.

Pushing beyond comfort
Challenging every nook
Opening so much it hurts.

Unpacking 36 years,
Yoga ain't easy.

12 December 

With sand in her sleep,
And longing in that yawn,
She aims for my heart,

Puppy love -
Fairytale bliss,
Like Santa,
But real.

13 December 






14 December 

Murray challenges the BBC
Nigela takes on Saatchi
X Factor battles with Strictly
A&E struggles with reality
And Freddie lost Bear at the beach.

15 December 

Mince pie or flapjack
Mulled wine or Guinness
Fairy lights or candle
Knitwear or sweatshirt
Sinatra or Kirsty Young
December or any other month?

16 December 

The year's closing credits
Scroll down my screen
Gentle reminders
Of unfulfilled dreams.
Mislaid compassion
That features too.
A bumpy awakening
Pip's annual review.

17 December

Yogic fracking
Causes dizziness
And nausea
As it cleanses.

Loved or hated
Always turbulent
Leaving behind
Damaged debris.

Shattering, shifting, 
Lifting, clearing.

18 December

Perhaps I'll move to Paris
Flash back to the twenties
Meet Hemingway, Picasso
Fall in love, do the Charleston
Be awakened by the rain.

19 December

Today is an orange day
Buddy, matt, book
Mirth, lightness, mischief
Lunch, Pears, lilies
Play, conversation, pretend

An Irn Bru kind of a day.

20 December

As dusk falls 
On our yoga retreat
My body channels
Fresh energy
New breath
A strong disposition
For the challenging time
That is Christmas.

21 December

Solstice party
Proper excited
Present chosen
County crossed
Arrived smiling
Immediately snubbed 
Engine failed
Hostile guest
Exit urge
Back home
Loving comfort
Highland Park.

22 December

Marshmallow head
Feverish limbs
Big old tonsils.

A broken down car
Unhappy battery
She's confuddled.

How the ****
Will she drive 
To Scotland tomorrow?

23 December 

Every year 
We give to those we love 
Every year 
We receive unexpected gifts 
Every year 

Garbled excuses from the ones that didn't buy. 

24 December

Sky overflowing with wind
While roads rattle empty
Phone buzzing with concern
While happy tunes beat loud.
A Christmas of contrasts
So lovingly painful.

Sunday 24 November 2013

Being a woman

Being a woman
Is a marvellous thing
From our boobs to our fingers
And fairytale wings.

Dejá vous

That’s what I’m feeling
Rage at myself
For doing it again

My gut says I’m a tool
For his transition
A momentary pawn
To help him move on

That ache so familiar
Should I walk away
Or ride through the pain

So often that person
Helping another’s journey
What about mine
My needs realised

That’s how I feel
Same old, same old
Dejá vous.

Snug wooden lodges

Caddy's Corner is a small family business that offers superb self catering accommodation in Cornwall. 

Wonderfully located bang in the middle of a World Heritage site, the lodges are surrounded by wildflower meadows, with no street lamps or passing cars nearby. Now that's a holiday.

I helped the team sum up their offer online.